Richard Gary Lewis
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Westfield, New Jersey
July 26, 1943 to May 05, 1968
RICHARD G LEWIS is on the Wall at Panel 55E, Line 21
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Lewis

Richard G Lewis
17avngrp.gif 268thcab.gif 335ahc.gif

29 May 1998

I ask my friends to remember another crew from the 335th AHC who were killed May 5, 1968.

CW-2 Bobby Ray Williams, WO-1 Richard G. Lewis, SP5 Glenn T. Fey, and PFC Jerome E. Jacobs were killed when their UH-1B gunship was hit with a B-40 rocket up near Bong Song. They were low level in a heavy and were unable to jettison the rocket pods before they hit the ground.

I usually flew the aircraft and would have been Aircraft Commander, but for some unknown reason was switched to a different aircraft and mission the night before.

Few days go by that I don't think of these guys, forever heroes in my mind.

Jim McLaughlin, Falcon 82
335th AHC, 1967-68,
223rd CAB - 71 WORWAC 67-5&7

22 Feb 2006

Current and alumni Brothers of Alpha Xi Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity, University of Delaware, would like Richie and his family, friends and loved ones to know that he lives on in our fond memories as well. I hadn't known until recently of Richie's fate... even though I was near Pleiku, in the Central Highlands of Vietnam during the same period! We all loved you Richie, and still do!

From a fraternity Brother and friend,
Donald H. Smith

The photo is from a 1962 composite photograph of the Brotherhood of Alpha Xi Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity, University of Delaware. It is of a younger Richie, prior to his decision to leave school and join the U.S. Army.

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