Michael Todd Ledebur
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
May 29, 1944 to August 02, 1966
MICHAEL T LEDEBUR is on the Wall at Panel 9E, Line 99
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Ledebur

Michael T Ledebur
usarv.gif 25idsm.gif ARGT-35THINFANTRY.png

26 Oct 2003

To Mike . . . who dwells on the Other Side of this granite Wall.

A long time ago
you were on this side
and you made people smile and laugh
and cry.
You werenï¿ 1/2 t here long enough
and I had to say goodbye
before it was time.

You will never know how my memories of you
are the wind beneath my wings.
You were one of
the kindest human beings
Iï¿ 1/2 ve ever known.
You were blessed with humor and compassion
and kind words;
you touched every life around you, and, oh yes, mine.

I never told you how special you were
to me.
I walk the sand at the lakefront,
twirling ï¿ 1/2 what ifsï¿ 1/2 around in my mind,
wishing on a star.
You said youï¿ 1/2 d always be around.
And you are.
I just never thought you'd be
on the Other Side
of this Wall.

ï¿ 1/2 Sherry ï¿ 1/2

28 May 2005

Tomorrow, May 29th, you will be 61 years old, but in my mind's eye you're still that 17-year-old kid with the rakish grin and the beautiful eyes. You are missed.

From a friend.

Michael Todd Ledebur
is remembered by his comrades-in-arms of the
35th Infantry

as are the other men of the 2nd Battalion who died that day:

  • Headquarters Company
    • SGT Juan Munoz, San Antonio, TX
    • SP4 William H. Gardner, Montgomery, AL
    • SP4 George G. Trueluck, Detroit, MI
    • PFC Denzil D. Pettit, Bloomington, CA

  • A Company
  • C Company
    • 2LT Leonard D. Davis, Bisbee, AZ
    • PFC Terry D. Craighead, Fulton, MO

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