Gary Don Lawson
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Los Angeles, California
February 29, 1948 to August 16, 1968
GARY D LAWSON is on the Wall at Panel W48, Line 27
See the full profile or name rubbing for Gary Lawson

Combat Action Ribbon

24 Dec 2006

Merry Christmas, you are not forgotten.

Gary was my bunkmate in Boot Camp Platoon 335 February 1968. He died not so long after he went to Viet Nam and I went on to my stateside duty station til I turned 18 and was sent to Viet Nam.

He was a remarkable person. He was calm, wise and righteous.

26 Dec 2006

I entered Gary's name out of respect. Tonight I got confirmation that his name was added. With that confirmation came the cause of his casualaty. All this time, I never knew. I am reminded of the passage in the Bible, "the truth shall set ye free".

From his bunkmate in Boot Camp Platoon 335,
Stewart Resmer


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 16 August 1968 two Marines from Headquarters Company, 3rd Marines were killed by an accidental grenade detonation. Five days later, another Marine injured in the accident died from his injuries. The three men were

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