Carl Edward Lamberson, Jr
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Brick Town, New Jersey
August 09, 1946 to July 02, 1969
CARL E LAMBERSON Jr is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 47
See the full profile or name rubbing for Carl Lamberson

Carl E Lamberson
usarv.gif 199infbde.gif 12infrgt.gif

15 Aug 2002


A memorial initiated by a fellow veteran.
E-mail address is not available.

December 2, 2003

I have just recently begun to find closure to the horrible death of my older brother. He was to me a warm, wonderful, young person who went off to do the right thing. Our whole family was proud of him. Carl was a popular high school sports figure. It didn't matter what age a person was he always found time for them. Children were his favorite kind of people - he truly had a gift. I am a year younger than he is and he was 22 when he died. It has been many years now and I've just learned something that I'm sure Carl would want me to share with you.

My deepest thanks to those brave and courageous men of the 199th Light Infantry Warriors. They put themselves in harm's way to bring him home. I know the sacrifices you made going to retrieve his body after drowning. It had to have been a tremendous loss for all the men to watch him slip away. Lieutenant Carl Lamberson, my oldest brother, my friend, and one hell of a man would want to salute you all. God blesses all of you and sorry it took me so long to wake up and smell the coffee.

I miss him beyond words, thanks again, I just went the other day to put a blanket on his grave and thank God I can do that and you made that possible.

Broken Hearted,

his sister
Ellen Sharpe-Lamberson
16 Mandalay Road, Brick, N. J. 08723


A Note from The Virtual Wall

A biography of Lieutenant Lamberson prepared by Elizabeth Melita, Monmouth University, Fall 1999, appears on the New Jersey Vietnam Memorial web site. It contains the following information regarding Lt Lamberson's death:

On July 2, 1969, three weeks before he was due home, Carl drowned in Vietnam. He was the Long-Range Reconnaissance Platoon Leader for the 4/12 Infantry Battalion. They were given a mission to rescue a helicopter crash down in a river. Carl was the type of leader that would not send his men into something he would not do himself. When they arrived at the crash scene he was the first to attempt crossing and the current took him under.

He is missed by his family and friends to this day. There are many places in Bricktown that bear Carlï¿ 1/2 s name. The DAV Chapter 20 is named after him and another veteran. The road that leads to the DAV is named after him and there is a large plaque in Brick High School. Carlï¿ 1/2 s memory will always remain.

Extracted from the
NJVVM biography

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