Jack Vernon Lackey, Jr
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Iuka, Kansas
November 26, 1949 to July 10, 1969
JACK V LACKEY Jr is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 94
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Jack V Lackey
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1 Mar 2004

For a short while Jack was in my rocket section. He was a good guy, I liked him.

The squad he was attached to was patroling between Cobb Bridge and Tugboat. This was some 10 miles or so west of Danang. They wandered into a large booby trap. There were three quick explosions and three men were killed at once: Jack, Doug Whiting, and Ernie Martinez. The squad leader, Tom Root , lost both legs and died on July 27th on a medevac flight to Japan. Two other men, Jim Whalen and Gary Williams, suffered very serious wounds.

The attached picture, while not very good of Jack, was taken at Cobb Bridge shortly before his death. Some members of 3rd platoon were filling sandbags and building a bunker.

Golf 2/7 Marines

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