Henry Chester Klinger
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Saugus, California
August 30, 1949 to January 01, 1970
HENRY C KLINGER is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 114
See the full profile or name rubbing for Henry Klinger

Henry C Klinger
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02 Dec 2000

Thank you Hank for bringing me together with Jeremy.
I know that you are watching over us, and I feel blessed ...


You take a man and put him alone,
Put him 12,000 miles from home.
Empty his heart of all but blood,
You make him live in sweat and mud.
This is the way I have to live,
and while my soul to the devil I give.
You peace-boys you rant from your easy chairs,
but you don't know what it is like out here.
You have a ball without nearly trying,
while out there, our boys are dying.
You burn your draft cards and march at dawn,
you plant your signs on the White House lawn
You all want to ban the bomb,  you say
"THERE IS NO REAL WAR" in Vietnam.
You use your drugs and have your fun,
and then refuse to lift a gun.
There is nothing else for you to do,
and I am supposed to die for you?
I'll hate you till the day I die,
you made me hear my buddy cry.
I see his arm a bloody shred,
I hear them say, "This one is dead."
It is quite a price to have to pay,
not to live another day.
He made the choice to fight or die,
he paid the price but what did he buy?
He bought your life, by losing his.
But who gives a damn what a solder gives?
His wife, his family, his daughters and sons,
but they're about the only ones.........

06 Dec 2001

This is a poem that my brother Henry Chester Klinger
sent to us right before he got killed.
Author Unknown: (I can't be sure he wrote it)

Lina Benbrook

14 Jul 2004

My Uncle Hank was one brave man.

From his niece,
Chelsea Benbrook
Lone Pine, California
E-mail address is not available.

14 May 2007

I just wanted to say that I wish I could have meet this foxy man.

He was a good man from what my family has told me.

So sad that he didn't get to live his life in full ... but he did leave for a reason ... for our country.

We will see him when our time comes, so that makes me happy.

I love you, Uncle "Hank", and will see you in another life.

From his niece,
Kari Klinger


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On 01 Jan 1970 A Company, 2nd Bn, 1st Infantry, lost eight men in an engagement at Tien Phuoc, Quang Tin Province:
  • SSG Roger K. Greenway, Los Angeles, CA
  • SGT Roy W. Godowns, Louisville, GA
  • SP4 Thomas J. Cross, Bevier, MO
  • SP4 Henry C. Klinger, Saugus, CA
  • SP4 Charles E. Moore, Rensselaer, NY
  • SP4 William C. Reddick, Paterson, NJ
  • PFC John M. Reilly, Fairfax, IA
  • PVT Duane G. Williams, Philadelphia, PA

Specialist 4 Henry Chester Klinger
rests in plot 21-01/RA,
Los Angeles National Cemetery,
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California,
surrounded by other men of honor, integrity, and courage.

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