Gary C. Jones
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
East Point, Georgia
March 24, 1943 to February 09, 1968
GARY C JONES is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 53
See the full profile or name rubbing for Gary Jones

Gary C Jones
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Gary C Jones


Gary C Jones


28 Feb 2007

Gary C. Jones was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1943. He attended Georgia State College and joined ROTC. Upon graduation he was comissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army. He went on to paratroop training and Ranger training. He was proudest of being a Ranger and taught at the school before being sent to Vietnam.

He as assigned as a platoon leader with the 2nd of the 27th Infantry (Wolfounds) of the 25th Infantry Division. The 2nd Brigade set their camp site at Cu Chi and began to patrol the Ho Bo Woods, Iron Triangle, Nui Ba Den, and the Michelin Rubber plantation. He became company commander of D Company when his commander was injured and took the company to the Saigon area during the TET Offensive of 1968. He was killed at Hoc Mon, an area outside of Saigon, while leading his men in pursuit of the enemy.

He leaves many friends and family behind. Gary, we miss you every day and remember your smile and eyes. You cared for your men and you did your job well. You are at peace now and we who survived salute and will never forget you.

From his fiancee.
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

US Army, Vietnam
APO San Francisco

May 2, 1968



1. TC 320. The following AWARD is announced posthumously.

JONES, Gary C. O5328782 1st Lieutenant Infantry
Company D, 2d Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment

Awarded: Distinguished Service Cross
Date action:
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Reason: The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Gary C. Jones, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam, while serving with Company D, 2d Battalion, 27th Infantry, 2d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division. First Lieutenant Jones distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 9 February 1968 as commander of an infantry company conducting a combat mission near Lan Trung. His unit made contact with an estimated battalion of Viet Cong occupying an entrenched and heavily fortified bunker complex in a woodline. Following artillery strikes on the enemy, Lieutenant Jones deployed his troops and led a fierce assault across an open field, which was the only avenue of approach. Nearing the woodline, the company was subjected to withering automatic weapons, small arms and rocket fire from the concealed insurgents. Lieutenant Jones fearlessly exposed himself to the savage fusillade as he directed his men to return fires and move to the sparse protection of a nearby berm. He quickly regrouped his troops, positioned them on line and led a second assault on the Viet Cong. Heedless of a hail of bullets striking all around him, he gallantly pressed the attack. Lieutenant Jones was mortally wounded while shouting words of encouragement and directing devastating fire on the insurgent fortifications. His dauntless and inspiring leadership in close combat contributed immeasurably to the subsequent defeat of the numerically superior enemy force. First Lieutenant Jones' extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty, at the cost of his life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
Authority: By direction of the President under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918.

Beginning in 1988 the Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association annually has established a memorial for one of Atlanta's Vietnam dead. The 1989 memorial, placed in the CNN Center atrium, is for 1LT Jones.

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