Allen Louis Johnson
Lieutenant Colonel
United States Air Force
Tuscumbia, Alabama
March 19, 1936 to July 25, 1978
(Incident Date December 28, 1972)
ALLEN L JOHNSON is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 107
See the full profile or name rubbing for Allen Johnson


LTC Allen Louis Johnson was aboard a B-52 shot down by a Surface to Air (SAM) missile over the Hanoi area on Thursday December 28, 1972. His B-52 was one of many involved in the successful "Christmas Bombings" of the Hanoi and Haiphong areas that finally convinced the North Vietnamese to sit at the peace table and seriously consider the ending of the war.

LTC Johnson's aircraft was one of a flight of three B-52's. Each B-52 crew was comprised of 6 men and he was one of the 2 men lost on his aircraft.

The B-52's that were shot down during the "Christmas Bombings" were in extremely hostile territory with little or no chance of rescue. However, B-52 crewmen had a high survival rate, with many more returned as POWs than was expected.

LTC Johnson did not return when the POWs were freed, however, his remains were repatriated on December 4, 1985.

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