Michael Jennings Hotchkiss
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Anaheim, California
October 12, 1946 to August 09, 1967
MICHAEL J HOTCHKISS is on the Wall at Panel 24E, Line 95
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Hotchkiss

Michael J Hotchkiss
usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png 8thcavalry.gif

08 May 2007

It is now over forty years since we were drafted and the last time I saw you. Thinking back to those fun-filled days in High School and working together, it was a magical time. I would love to ramble on, but perhaps another time.

We had dreams and ambitions of what we wanted to accomplish in life not knowing what the future held. Life has been great for me and many of those dreams have come true, and I have a wonderful family. I can only imagine what life would have held for you, and what you would have accomplished - you had so much to offer.

As life takes its many twists and turns, you ended up in Vietnam making the ultimate sacrifice, while I was spared. I read the account of your last battle - you were so brave doing what had to be done, facing danger without hesitation. I know there is no other way you would have done it.

You were one great individual and a good soldier, even if you didn't ask to be one.

You were a fantastic friend to so many, and we are all better for knowing you.

You will not be forgotten.

From a friend,
Eric Williamson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 09 Aug 1967 elements of the 1st Cavalry Division got into a fight at Landing Zone PAT in the Song Re Valley area of Quang Ngai Province. The engagement cost the lives of 11 American soldiers - 6 infantrymen, four helo crewmen, and one artillery observer. The US dead were
  • D Co, 229th Aslt Helo Bn
    • SP4 John M. Beyrand, Wyano, PA (hit in flight, helo did not go down)

  • A Co, 2nd Bn, 8th Cavalry
    • SP5 Andrew C. Conrad, Millington, MI
    • SGT Robert J. Maxwell, Fresno, CA
    • CPL Joel D. Fendley, Richmond, TX
    • CPL Joseph Harrison, Thomasville, GA
    • SP4 Michael J. Hotchkiss, Anaheim, CA
    • SP4 Prentice D. Le Clair, Tulsa, OK

  • In UH-1C tail number 65-09422, C Trp, 1st Sqdn, 9th Cavalry
    • CPT Robert A. Thompson, Lincolnton, GA, pilot
    • 1LT Honorio M. Fidel, Stockton, CA, 7th Bn, 13th Artillery (arty F/O)
    • WO Francis A. Rochkes, Pana, IL, copilot
    • SP4 Ray E. Moran, Big Bear Lake, CA, gunner

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