John Joseph Hooper
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Ventura, California
July 01, 1949 to August 01, 1970
JOHN J HOOPER is on the Wall at Panel W8, Line 74
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Hooper


21 Feb 2008

John, how do I thank you?

You paid the ultimate price we all faced every day. You saved us all that fateful day. Had you not reacted correctly, I would have been hit and we would probably have gone down right there.

I have a picture of OH-6A #67-16636 above my desk so I can be reminded every day how close we were to dying on March 20, 1970. The first shot came so close to my cheek that I felt it go by. Because of you, there was no second shot from that enemy soldier.

His friends took up the fight and shot us up pretty good, but we all made it back unharmed, after an unscheduled stop, and in another bird, to Camp Eagle.

Your actions gave us all a second chance and for that I am forever in your debt.

I regret to this day that I was not there on August 1st to repay the favor.

May God bless your soul.

From a former pilot with A/377 Arty,
Bob Reigel
Gunner 84


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two men of A Battery, 377th Artillery, died when their OH-6A (tail number 67-16628) was shot down, exploded, and burned while enroute Camp Eagle:
  • CW2 Anton John Schoepke, pilot, A Bty, 377th Arty Rgt
  • SP5 John Joseph Hooper, observer, HHB, 2nd Bn, 320th Arty Rgt

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