Rufus Weldon Hodges
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Midland, Texas
October 17, 1947 to January 17, 1969
RUFUS W HODGES is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 24
See the full profile or name rubbing for Rufus Hodges

Rufus W Hodges
ARGT-12THAVNGROUP.png ABN-214THAVNBN.gif 147ashc.gif

3 Dec 2004

Rufus Weldon Hodges grew up in Midland, Texas. He was a 1966 graduate of Midland Lee High School. He was an aircraft mechanic and was also a flight crewman. He was killed in a helicopter-related accident on January 17, 1969. He is remembered by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial located in Midland, Texas.

27 Nov 2005

I received this picture of Weldon from his older brother, Ken. Weldon was described to me as a fiery redhead, who would not shy away from a fight. He did everything with enthusiasm.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown

30 Nov 2005


by his brother,
Ken Hodges

30 Nov 2005

Hey Cuz, you were right - Vietnam and the Vietnamese people are beautiful - too bad there was a war going on. I went and saw for myself after you were killed - saw too much and learned too much and wanted to stay - but things change. Have found happiness in my life - her name is Nancy and together we have 6 beautiful girls and a mess of grandkids. I miss you and think of you every day when I put up the POW/MIA Flag as I do twice a day as a prayer for all our fallen soldiers who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this country.

GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN - thanks to Billy Brown and the Wall and the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans Memorial for helping us to NEVER FORGET OUR TRUE HEROES.

From a cousin,
Mike Worthington
SEAWOLVES Ben Luc, RVN 8/70 to 2/72
Crew chief/door gunner


A Note from The Virtual Wall

One considers a combat zone's hazards to arise primarily from enemy action, but simply taking care of the weapons of war is a hazardous business. SP4 Rufus W. Hodges is a case in point - the 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company history contains the following entry:
"Rufus Hodges of Midland, Texas was killed on Hillclimber 128 while he was working during night maintenance. He was struck on the head by one of the forward blades and pronounced DOA at the 36th Evacuation Hospital. On the 19th, a memorial service was held by the flight platoon."
SP4 Hodges was working on CH-47A tail number 64-13128 at the time of his death. In addition to being a maintenance man, he reportedly was a qualified aircrewman.

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