Douglas Wayne Hillin
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Houston, Texas
September 18, 1948 to August 10, 1968
(Incident Date July 01, 1968)
DOUGLAS W HILLIN is on the Wall at Panel W49, Line 41
See the full profile or name rubbing for Douglas Hillin

Combat Action Ribbon
Douglas W Hillin
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12 Jul 2001

Doug enlisted to fight,
although he was too young to be so far from home,
or in that hell.

Dearly loved and missed by his family,
many friends,
and his Marine buddies who knew him as "DUTCH".

A memorial initiated by his sister.
E-mail address is not available.

Douglas Wayne Hillin,
Lance Corporal, United States Marine Corps,
was buried on 22 August 1968 in
Plot C 692, Houston National Cemetery,
Houston, Harris County, Texas,
surrounded by other men of integrity and courage.

26 April 2002

Dutch was one of the greatest guys in the world
and my best buddy back in the Marines.

Doug was shot while leading his squad against an ambush. Steve Vincler held him in his arms till he slipped into unconsciousness. Steve and I have kept in touch. Some time in May, we will be coming to Houston to keep our promise to our buddy - a promise to visit his grave site. We would be proud to meet any of Dougï¿ 1/2 s family if possible, especially his brother who Doug spoke very fondly of and was worried about.

Art Walbroehl
E-mail address is not available.

02 Aug 2005

I met "Dutch" through my friend Steve. I remember him as being instantly likeable and a natural leader. I wish I had known him better. I remember the day well when Dutch was hit. He was in a different Platoon than I, but that day Mike Company was together for the operation. We were trudging uphill along a well worn trail in a heavily forested area. I think Dutch's squad was on point. Maybe out on flank. The NVA were dug in and waiting in spider-holes up ahead at the crest of the hill. It seems that the fire fight was over as quickly as it began. As our platoon moved forward to take point, I remember stopping where Dutch lay along the path. He'd been hit bad, although he was still concious. And I remember the look of desperation on Steve's face.

From a friend and brother-in-arms,
Jud Parker
E-mail address is not available.

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