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Jerry Wayne Hendrix
Staff Sergeant
HMM-165, MAG-36, 1ST MAW, III MAF United States Marine Corps Wichita, Kansas December 27, 1942 to July 11, 1972 JERRY W HENDRIX is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 55 See the full profile or name rubbing for Jerry Hendrix |
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I've worn your name for many years, Jerry, along with Sgt. Raymond G. Czerwiec.
You two will always be in my thoughts and prayers ...
Marty H. |
Jerry was married to my sister, they had two sons that were toddlers when he died. I was only 12 years old, but he made such an impact on me! I am so glad his body has been found and he is coming home! Thank you, Jerry, for your sacrifice! I Miss You and Love You! I will see you someday in the mansion that Jesus is preparing for us!
With All My Love, |
Jerry was my brother-in-law. He was a Marine's Marine and you should see the movie, "The Great Santini" to know how he was. He was a warrior and died a warrior's death. He was glad to serve his country and proud to do it as a Marine. As a man he loved his two boys, Tony and Troy. Although Tony was not biologically his, Jerry loved him as his own. When I first met Jerry I was a naive kid in high school. We took to each other right away, and he treated me as a brother. I was nineteen when he died. My time with Jerry was too short, and he was the brother I should have had because he was better than my own. I love you, Jerry. I miss your advice, the fun, and the love you showed to a kid that was becoming a man.
From his brother-in-law, |
FROM THE VIRTUAL WALL Kenny is going to be buried on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia with a full military funeral. I never thought this day would come, but I am so thankful that it has.
From Ken Crody's sister, They are to be buried together in Arlington Cemetery in Washington, DC. My sister, her two sons, and Cpl. Crody's parents are trying to pick a date together for the service. I will be flying to Washington, DC, with other family members for the service. From what I understand, they will be buried with full honors. I am so glad to see some Vietnam boys being treated and honored as they should be for sacrificing their lives for us to stay free and to help others do the same.
From Jerry Hendrix' sister-in-law, |
I am the son of Jerry W. Hendrix and would like to thank everyone who has written those beautiful words about my Father. I would also like to thank the men and women who are currently overseas protecting the American people. We should also give enormous respect to those who are fighting and for those who have given their lives for the FREEDOM we have. My father was a man of great Honor and Courage and I wish to be half the man he was, but they do not make them like my father anymore. I would like to end this ammendment with the below statement to all military families: When a man or woman gives their lives in battleGod Bless everyone and I wish everyone one a safe trip back from Iraq.
Troy David Hendrix "A son of a Marine who is honored to carry the name of Hendrix" |
I am the other son, Tony. Although Jerry was not my biological father, he is the only father I have claimed and will ever claim as my own. My real father left me as an infant and I was raised by a step father that hated the sight of me. Even though I was only 2 years old at the time of Jerry's death, his passing affected my life more than anyone could ever know. Through stories from my family about how my father was, I have tried to emulate my father. I joined the Marines during the first Gulf war, even though my mother was strongly against it. I spent over ten years in the Marine Corps and did very well for myself in the Corps. But I never saw any combat. I got out in August of 2001. My goal was to be just like my father but I never really lived up to the task. I believe me and my brother, Troy, would have been a lot better off if Jerry had come home. I know my mother would have been. I don't think she has ever really gotten over his loss. I wish he could see his grandchildren, just once. He has two grandchildren, Nichole and Justin, and another one due in September, Ian. I will tell them about my father and let them know that he was a great man, a hero and a patriot. Dad, I wait for the day when I can see you again and give you a big hug. I love you and miss you very much.
From his son, |
I just wanted to post a few words about the funeral at Arlington Cemetery for SSGT JERRY W. HENDRIX and CPL KENNETH CRODY. It was a magnificent send-off for two Marines with dignity and honor. It was especially touching to have the pilot from their mission fly in from across the country to show his respect and to honor them. Thank you, Bruce! Also, it was a pleasure to meet the Crody family. We spent some time together and learned a lot about each others' loved one. This was an experience that I will always cherish as one of the most touching and most wonderful of my life! God Bless You, Jerry and Kenneth! We will always Love You!
From Jerry's sister-in-law, |
Hi, I'm Nichole, your grandchild - Tony's only girl. I wasn't born when you passed so I never knew you but I would have liked to. He hasn't told me anything about you but I'm sure when I get older he will tell me about you. Grandma Debbie told me some things about you but im sure my dad will tell me more later on. I'm going to be 16 years old on the 8th. I read the things that Dad and Uncle Troy said about you and I think you are a good man and if you were here right now I'm sure you would make a good grandpa and we would of got along really well!! I just wanted to write something because I got my last name from you and I really cherish it and I'm sure my two brothers and my Dad and Uncle Troy do too. I just wanted to write and tell you a little about myself. I know you can't read it but I'm sure you're looking down on me and my brothers and I know you can hear me. Love ya, always your grandchild, Nichole. Rest in peace.
From his granddaughter, |
Notes from The Virtual WallOn 11 July 1971, thirty-four Marine helicopters from HMM-164 (embarked in USS OKINAWA) and HMM-165 (embarked in USS TRIPOLI) carried 840 Vietnamese Marines of the 1st Battalion, RVN Marine Corps, in an airmobile attack into Landing Zones Blue Jay and Crow approximately 6 miles north-northeast of Quang Tri City.Losses by the 9th MAB were a CH-53 [destroyed] and two CH-46s (both recovered), two Marines killed, and seven wounded. The four survivors of the CH-53 Sea Stallion were recovered later. The CH-53 (BuNo 156658) carried 50 Vietnamese Marines, an American crew of five and a combat photographer from BLT 1/9. It was struck by an SA-7 surface-to-air missile while at about 100 feet on its approach to the landing zone. The missile warhead detonated in the helicopter's right power plant. The pilot autorotated the flaming aircraft to the ground in a hopeful controlled "crash and burn" procedure. Two crewmembers were killed outright and a third seriously injured. Most of the Vietnamese Marines were killed, with only seven returning to friendly lines. The helicopter was completely destroyed by fire and the detonation of ammunition carried by the Vietnamese. The surviving Americans took shelter in a nearby bomb crater and "hunkered down"as the wreckage cooled and NVA soldiers poked through the remains. At dusk, a VNMC patrol located them and brought them to friendly lines and American Army helicopters returned them to their ship. The bodies of two Marines, Cpl Kenneth L. Crody and SSgt Jerry W. Hendrix, could not be recovered from the burning aircraft. SSgt Clyde K. Nelson was rescued but died of wounds on 09 August 1971. (from "US MARINES IN VIETNAM 1971-73")
Additional information is available on the - Update -The remains of SSgt Hendrix and Cpl Crody were repatriated on 29 August 2000, with positive identifications announced on 22 and 23 Apr 2004 respectively. |
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