Edgar Paul Heinen
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Pipe Creek, Texas
September 05, 1943 to September 03, 1966
EDGAR P HEINEN is on the Wall at Panel 10E, Line 65
See the full profile or name rubbing for Edgar Heinen


1 Mar 2004


I didn't see your name on The Virtual Wall, so I took the liberty to include you, hope you don't mind.

I often think about you, that GREAT sense of humour that you always seemed to carry around with you. I thought that you were doing pretty good on that guitar as well. We were "strumming" together only minutes before your mortal end came. I guess that my full bladder decided my fate for me then. Your luck never seemed to hold. You arrived at the unit New Year's Eve 1966, and though I did not know it at the time, you were only two days away from your 23rd.

We know that you were not the "Gung Ho" type, but you were always a pro at your job, and just wanted to go home like all of us.

Though there are no memorials to you where that tent once stood, in dirty, muddy An Khe, there are so many that remember you with good memories and that makes a very fitting memorial indeed.

I wonder what you would have been doing now? I know what I'm doing today. I'm thinking of you with a little smile and bigger tears.

Rest in peace.

"Crazy Shinder"


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 15th Transportation Battalion was an organic unit within the 1st Cavalry Division. Four men of the 15th Trans Bn died on 03 Sep 1966:
  • SP4 Edgar P. Heinen, Pipe Creek, TX
  • SP4 Robert A. Masterson, Jefferson, KY
  • PFC Elwood F. Nead, Pima, AZ
  • PFC Daniel S. Ferry, Leetonia, OH

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