Eugene Scott Hancock
Petty Officer Second Class
United States Navy
Gainesville, Florida
June 02, 1946 to February 24, 1969
EUGENE S HANCOCK is on the Wall at Panel W31, Line 36
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eugene Hancock

Combat Action Ribbon

28 Nov 2005

An heroic Corpsman. There are some men out there who are very grateful for your sacrifices.

Semper Fi
Jim Smith
P O Box 913, Gouldsboro, Pa 18424

29 May 2006

My name is Carol H. Long. I am a Marine veteran of Viet Nam - 3rd MarDiv - Phu Bai and north to the DMZ. Scott was my first cousin.

I live because I was a lucky one. Scott actually joined the Navy to stay away from the combat. His brother, Robert, was a Marine - we survived - Scott did not. Robert and I both are haunted by that ... this is certain - my cousin is more Marine than he will ever know ... he is in Heaven guarding the gates just like any other Marine will be doing. I look forward to seeing him!! Semper Fi!!

Carol H. Long Jr.
Sergeant, 1st Radio Bn Subunit, 3rd MarDiv, Republic of Vietnam
E-mail address is not available.

21 Jan 2007

My name is Janice Kessler. Scott was my brother. I love and miss him very much. Scott's mother and father are both dead, however his brother Robert and myself survive him. I would like to hear from anyone who knew Scott, served with him or was with him when he died. Scott was only in Vietnam 11 (eleven) days when he was killed. Although he was only there a short period of time, he surely made friends. He did not believe in the killing but he did believe in saving lives. He was killed in action performing his duty while he tried to save his fellow Marines' lives. I have his medals and they are a reminder of just how wonderful and special he was. We fly the flag we were given at his burial each and every Memorial Day and we fly it proudly.

From his sister,
Janice Hancock Kessler

The President of the United States
takes pride in presenting the


posthumously to

Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class
United States Navy

for service as set forth in the following


For extraordinary heroism on 24 February 1969 while serving as Corpsman in Company "I", Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, First Marine Division, in connection with operations against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Vietnam. With a squad from Company "I" conducting asearch and destroy operation east of Highway 5 near La Chau (2) in Quang Nam Province, when the unit came under a heavy volume of small-arms, automatic-weapons, and rocket-propelled grenade fire from a concealed and well-entrenched North Vietnamese Army company and sustained several casualties, Petty Officer Hancock immediately proceeded to the assistance of three casualties, treated their wounds and, aided by his comrades, removed all three men to a position of relative safety. Upon observing a critically wounded Marine who was lying in an area dangerously exposed to the intense enemy fire, Petty Officer Hancock maneuvered across the fire-swept terrain and methodically applied tourniquets to the Marine's legs to stop the profuse bleeding. Assured of the casualty's immediate evacuation to friendly lines, Petty Officer Hancock then valiantly ran through the intense hostile fire to yet another seriously wounded comrade, but was himself mortally wounded by automatic-weapons fire before he could reach the Marine. By his heroic and inspiring efforts, Petty Officer Hancock was directly instrumental in saving the lives of four Marines. His courage, bold initiative, and selfless devotion to duty in the face of heavy enemy fire were in keeping the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

A Note from The Virtual Wall

The following entry is taken from the 3/7 Marines' Command Chronology for February 1969:
"At the same time that Co L and Co M were in contact with NVA forces, Co I and Co K were engaging a substantial NVA unit in vicinity of La Chau (2). This action commenced at 1945 on 23 February 1965 when a squad ambush from Co I, 3/7 became heavily engaged with a large enemy force in vicinity AT945625. This squad regrouped with the remainder of the platoon and through the use of supporting arms held their position through the night.

"On 24 February 1969, Co I, 3/7 Comand Group joined the platoon in contact and pushed toward the enemy position. Once again they became heavily engaged at close range. A reaction force from Co K, 3/7 was launched to reinforce Co I. Extensive artillery and air strikes were called on the enemy's position.

"On 25 February Co K, 3/7 conducted a sweep of the area of contact receiving no resistance. The sweep resulted in 15 NVA KIA, 01 NVA POW, 4 individual weapons, 01 light machine gun, and 45 Chi Com grenades."

Ten Marines and two Navy Corpsmen were killed in the action at La Chou (2):


"You guys are the Marine's doctors -
There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

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memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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