Randall John Gustafson
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Lakewood, New York
February 02, 1947 to February 14, 1968
RANDALL J GUSTAFSON is on the Wall at Panel 39E, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Randall Gustafson

Randall J Gustafson
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17 Apr 2008

Memorial Day 2008
Forty Years Later

Dedicated to PFC Randall J. Gustafson
2/02/1947 -02/14/1968
Binh Duong, South VietNam

If God be the music
Let me stop to listen to the symphony

If life be a song
Let me sing it with my whole heart

If love be a tear
Let me sob with tears of joy and sorrow
For God has a special vial just for me.

If a soldier be the instrument of liberty
Let my voice ring out in honor to his memory

If a soldier sacrifices his life
Let it be for God, country and his fellow man
For no greater love can be given

If death be the dirge to awaken our souls
Let Christ be our peace and our hope

If memories be the key to my heart
Let them be cherished
For those who have fallen,
Know the memories are alive and well
And kept next to my vial of tears

If honor and duty be the trumpets of angels
Let it be heard as the battle cry of heroes
Shouting from the heavens
With some called home to sit at the right hand of God.

If courage be a soldiers heart beat
Let its rhythm give him strength
And life for one more day

If gratitude be a light to the soldiers path
Let it shine brightly on his face
And warm him while he is away

If a prayer be the path
Let it travel straight to you


From his sister,
Linda J. (Gustafson) Newlin


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 14 Feb 1968 I Troop, 3/11th Armored Cavalry lost three men in an engagement in Binh Duong Province:
  • SGT Vitalio Vela, Falfurrias, TX;
  • PFC Randall J. Gustafson, Lakewood, NY; and
  • PFC Joseph R. Weaver, Sylvester, GA.

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