Alan Gwinn Geissinger
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Newark, Delaware
September 16, 1947 to July 11, 1969
ALAN G GEISSINGER is on the Wall at Panel W21, Line 100
See the full profile or name rubbing for Alan Geissinger




He died in the assault on Hill 996.

From a comrade-in-arms,
Richard "Doc" Daniels 
28 Apr 2002

30 May 2002

I was searching my geneology, ironically I also served in the 101st Airborne, my name is Greg Geissinger.

23 May 2006

I never got to know Alan, but he and I both went to Christiana High School in Delaware and he - like his parents - has had a special place in my heart for most of my life.

His parents created a journalism scholarship in his memory and, back in the days when I edited the high school paper, that scholarship made all the difference in my being able to attend a summer training program at Syracuse University in New York.

The experience was one of the most shaping events of my life. It helped me become Delaware's Student Journalist of the Year in 1972 and I went on to attend Syracuse, throwing myself into the student newspaper, The Daily Orange.

My Syracuse experience helped me land the job I had dreamed of since second grade as a reporter at Delaware's only statewide newspaper, The News Journal. Many times over the years, I have spoken to student groups and always talk about the lasting legacy in my life of the Alan Geissinger Memorial Scholarship, especially how receiving it made me committed to be as professional and honorable a journalist as I feel in my heart he would have been.

Now, as I celebrate 30 years with The News Journal, I dedicate that milestone to him and his parents.

Robin Brown
Christiana, Delaware

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