Clive Garcia, Jr
United States Marine Corps
Morenci, Arizona
September 17, 1947 to November 26, 1969
CLIVE GARCIA Jr is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 124
See the full profile or name rubbing for Clive Garcia

Combat Action Ribbon

04 May 2006


22 May 2006

Juno, I never got the opportunity to met you but from what I hear from everyone you were a pretty amazing guy. I sat and talked to your mom, dad, and sister and asked them what was their favorite memory that they had of you so I could get a better look on you and learn more about you and your life. Your mom, Honey, said that her favorite memory she had of you is when you were coming back from Guam when you were in the war. There were protesters protesting at the border against the war and a policeman looked at you and asked what you thought about all the protesting? You simply replied I wear these (and pointed at your badges on your shoulder) so they can do that. The look in Honey's eyes - I could tell that that probably was one of the proudest moments she had of you. Then I asked Papa, your dad, and his favorite memory of you was from your childhood when you and your little brothers would go down to the river and set up traps. There were rumors that there were tigers down there and you guys wanted to catch it. Then you guys were so happy because you caught your prey. When you went down to see what it was you saw that it was just a skunk. When I herd that story I definitely laughed a lot. I also asked my mom, your sister, and her favorite memory of you was the day of your gradation from the Marine Corps boot camp. She said that was the proudest moment she had of you. I can tell from all the touching memories that you are missed and loved very much. I only wish that I had the chance to meet you. I love you.

Love, your niece

Nikki Windsor


A Note from The Virtual Wall

India 3/1 lost two men on 26 Nov 1969, reportedly to a command-detonated mine made from a 105mm artillery shell - Sergeant Clive Garcia and LCpl William F. Merrill of State College, Pennsylvania.

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