Marvin Lyle Franklin, Jr
Army of the United States
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 15, 1945 to August 31, 1967
MARVIN L FRANKLIN Jr is on the Wall at Panel 25E, Line 74
See the full profile or name rubbing for Marvin Franklin

Marvin L Franklin
usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png 8thcavalry.gif

29 Jan 2001

I remember Marvin, we guarded The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier together. Marvin got his orders for Viet Nam. He was by heritage a Native American, and both his Grandfather and Father were chiefs of the counsel. Marvin was in line to be a chief, so he didn't have to go. No one knew this, Marvin would never use it to dodge his duty.

I look at pictures he took of me and pictures I took of him, I think about all the grave sites that overtook the open spaces at Arlington while I was there and I still cry. One of the pictures I have in my living room is of all the Tomb Guards at a wreath laying on Christmas Morning 1966, honoring the Unknowns. Marvin is next to me, but the following Christmas he was gone.

To date there have been fewer than 500 Tomb Guard Badges issued to holders, and Marvin is one of them.

We miss you.

A memorial initiated by a friend,
Irvin Emerson
E-mail address is not available.

13 Oct 2002

Sergeant Marvin Lyle Franklin served with Company E (Honor Guard), 3d US Infantry (The Old Guard), Fort Myer, and is remembered by The Society of The Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, at

From a fellow Tomb Guard,
Gavin McIlvenna
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

"A" Company, 2/8th Cavalry, lost three men on 31 Aug 1967:
  • SGT Marvin L. Franklin, Oklahoma City, OK (Bronze Star "V");
  • SP4 Lawrence G. Grass, Belleville, IL; and
  • CPL Gerald J. Roberts, Torrington, CT.

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