John Michael Foster
United States Marine Corps
Garden Grove, California
August 05, 1945 to March 24, 1969
JOHN M FOSTER is on the Wall at Panel W28, Line 23
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Foster

Combat Action Ribbon
John M Foster
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24 Nov 2006

Corporal John Michael Foster USMC died 24 Mar 69 5000 meters west of Con Thien in the Quang Tri Province Republic of Viet Nam as a result of gunshot wounds to the head and body from hostile small arms fire during a hostile ambush while repairing a stalled tank retriever. "Mike" was a proud Marine. He voluntarily joined the Marine Corps on 11 Sep 1963 and re-enlisted for his second tour in Viet Nam on 22 Sep 1967. Mike spent a total of 3 years, 1 month, and 12 days proudly serving his beloved Marine Corps and country. Mike was the oldest of six children belonging to John and Bette Foster. Mike is interned at All Souls Cemetery, Long Beach, California, and is loved and missed by all who knew him. In a letter dated 20 Sep 65 during his first tour in Viet Nam Mike wrote home

Dear Mom & Dad,

... Remember the holster from the BB gun I had? Well could you send me the holster,air mail? not the gun, because now I have a .45 and I have to carry it in my pocket because they have no holsters, they have no holsters in supply. Sounds like a song doesn't it? Oh well. Did you check on my high school credits to see what I am lacking? I was thinking I might have to go back to H-school again - won't that be just swell, a 21 year old oaf going to high school. There isn't much else to say so I'll close.


P.S. Please send that holster air mail

From his brother.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

From the 3rd Tanks Command Chronology for March 1969:
Operations Journal:
     "242215H - B Co Spot Report: On sweep B43 and B32 hit mines at 135725. Upon return B43 was hit by unknown size enemy force. B43 suffered 2 KIAs and 2 WIAs."
Daily Summary:
     "24 Mar 69 - B Co (-), on a sweep with elements of the 2nd ARVN Regiment, had two tanks and a [tank] retriever detonate AT mines. When the retriever hit a mine, it was attacked by an estimated NVA platoon. Results of the action were two friendly KIAs, 2 friendly WIAs (evac), 7 NVA (confirmed), and weapons and equipment captured."
Monthly Summary:
     "[On 24 March] while the B Company retriever was going to the aid of a mined tank west of A2, it hit a mine and subsequently was attacked by an estimated NVA platoon. The retriever commander distinguished himself by defending his wounded crewmen and damaged vehicle until reinforcements arrived. He was credited with personally killing seven (7) NVA."

The two men from Bravo Company, 3rd Tanks, killed in the action were Cpl John M. Foster, Garden Grove, CA, and LCpl Robert M. Walkley, Ionia, MI (Silver Star).

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