Frank Fettuccia
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Endicott, New York
November 15, 1945 to March 01, 1968
(Incident Date February 12, 1968)
FRANK FETTUCCIA is on the Wall at Panel 42E, Line 16
See the full profile or name rubbing for Frank Fettuccia

Frank Fettuccia
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Veterans' Day 2003

Frank was my first steady boyfriend.

There was a song out by Connie Francis called "Frankie." Frank said "Never call me Frankie." He was very shy and good looking and a good dancer!

One night (or should I say early AM?) after a night of dancing, Frank pulled in our driveway in his souped up black-and-white Chevy around 0230 or so. I had to go to work later that morning and as we were saying goodnite - or make that good morning - the spotlight on the porch goes on and there stands my Mom in her bathrobe madder than a hornet! Needless to say Frank and I had to cool things for awhile after that incident!

Frank- I loved you and I still do. I miss you as I'm sure you know.
I know when my time comes - you'll be there to lead me on the righteous path.


PFC Frank Fettuccia
is remembered by his brothers from the

35th Infantry

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Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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