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Harold Bascom Durham, Jr
Second Lieutenant
C BTRY, 6TH BN, 15TH ARTILLERY, 1ST INF DIV, USARV Army of the United States Tifton, Georgia October 12, 1942 to October 17, 1967 HAROLD B DURHAM Jr is on the Wall at Panel 28E, Line 20 See the full profile or name rubbing for Harold Durham |
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This is a very impressive web site and I compliment the webmaster. This site and the VVMF site have both done an impressive job of paying honor and reverance to these great Americans who paid the ultimate price so that America could remain strong. They did what their country asked. Sadly ... nobody "won". For those of us who lost loved ones, probably on both sides, we will remain proud though our pain will never leave us. God bless you, little brother. Your friends who survived because of yours and your fellow soldiers desperate effort that fateful day continue to praise your actions some 36 years after the fact. You will always be a BLACK LION...
Your brother, Johnny |
"Nothing is worth more than this day" My daughter's friend lost her father today ... bet she didn't expect her day to start that way... Value relationships more, they are that important.
From his nephew, |
Pinky was a classmate of mine in OCS, Arty Class 1-67. After that we both went to Fort Carson before deploying to Vietnam. He was a jovial and helpful kind of guy, always there when needed, and due to no money in those days we all needed each other at times. We partied together, worked together, and all in all lived as fun a life as possible. I think of him a lot, and wonder what the world lost on that fateful day, a question we will never have an answer to ... but rest assured he will NOT be forgotten.
From a friend and classmate, |
We have attended programs and participated in one in Pinky's memory. Although we did not know him, after the highway dedication in Tifton, in his name and memory, we felt that we did, indeed, "know" him. The people who had known him during his youth and growing up years, spoke of him in such a loving manner that they brought him to our awareness so vividly. He was loved by so many and he is remembered by so many more now. "Pinky", thank you for your service to our country. Heroes like you have made these United States of America such a blessed country. God Bless America.
Elizabeth A. Miller |
You hope when the time comes that courage will overcome fear ... Harold Durham was one of those very special individuals who went above and beyond the call of duty. We will always have our freedom as long as there are those willing to sacifice their all for God and country !
From a fellow vet, 2-deuce mortars, 2nd Bn, 2nd Inf, 1st Inf Div 67-68, |
A Note from The Virtual WallThe 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry had been operating west of the village of Chon Thanh since October 8th, conducting "search and destroy" operations in an area known to be occupied by large Viet Cong forces. Only four of the battalion's five companies (HHC, A, B, and D) were involved; C Company was providing fire base security for the supporting artillery unit.On the morning of 17 October, Alpha Company led out from the night defensive perimeter on a recon-in-force with the battalion command group in company and Delta Company in trail. Around noontime Alpha was engaged by a very much larger enemy force and Delta Company deployed in support. By the time the remaining forces could deploy in support of the engaged troops, the battalion command group and both Alpha and Delta had sustained very heavy casualties. Charlie Company was air-lifted in to assist Bravo and HHC and by late afternoon the area was secured as the VC forces withdrew. The fighting on 17 October resulted in 55 men killed in action, 3 who later died of their wounds, two missing in action, and 75 or more wounded. All 65 men in Alpha Company had been killed or wounded, Delta Company was little better off, and the Battalion Commander and his command group were dead. The Virtual Wall's Ong Thanh memorial summarizes the action and lists the dead. The artillery Forward Observer, 2nd Lt Harold Durham, received a posthumous Medal of Honor for his actions. The 15th Arty's memorial memorial includes a newspaper article which gives another account of the battle. |
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