James Ray Dowdy
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Granite City, Illinois
June 02, 1947 to May 03, 1967
JAMES R DOWDY is on the Wall at Panel 19E, Line 23
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I remember Ray only from photos now and my (5 year old) memory of a casket covered in glass cold to the touch as it was refrigerated ... I was not sure why that was, then, however I understand now.

My memory is of holding my Aunt's hand as Taps played on the hillside of that graveyard and the firing of the guns. With each shot she gripped my hand tighter and tighter ... I will never forget the pain of her keys crushing into my little hand and remembering that I should take the pain and remain quiet for Ray...

When I joined the Air Force I remember my mother not being happy about it - she said "You want to get killed like Ray did??" Well, after a long career of 20 years I am now retired from the Air Force and salute Ray's service now more than ever... for he paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

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