George Edward Dehner
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Alton, Iowa
April 25, 1949 to October 19, 1968
GEORGE E DEHNER is on the Wall at Panel W40, Line 2
See the full profile or name rubbing for George Dehner

Combat Action Ribbon
George E Dehner
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 5thmarines2.gif

18 March 2004


by a cousin,
James M. Cool

23 May 2006


Memorial Day is coming up and I just wanted you to know that I remember you very often other than Memorial Day. I often wonder between you, Gary and me, why I was the one to come home. It damn sure wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I wish the punk, ungrateful kids of today would understand, appreciate and be grateful for the sacrifices made by our families for this wonderful country. Most of them wouldn't even know how to begin to walk in the shoes we walked in over thirty years ago.

Rest in peace,
Cousin Jim

23 May 2007


Memorial Day is close and I just wanted to remember you on this special day. Memorial Day is not the only day I remember you. One couldn't after experiencing what we did. Our families made the ultimate sacrifices during this conflict and it would be disrespectful to them not to remember you and Gary often. You both are the heroes, not me, I was the lucky one to return. I take solace in believing that your short life was God's plan for you and that you now rejoice in his presence. Save a spot for me.

I salute you and rest in peace.
Cousin Jim

Jim Dehner

31 May 2006

Dear George,

I was not born during the time of Vietnam, or your lifetime. But I know of your sacrifice, and I have seen the tears of people who can appreciate it in a way that I never could. Know that you are missed, and that there are friends who carry on your memory through stories of good old times and days. I have heard those stories and I have seen your name on the memorial. But it is not what can be seen engraved on those two Walls that makes you special. It is what I see in the reflection of the stone. The people, coming to understand how much war takes, but ultimately, how much more is given.

Thanks George, I wish I could shake your hand.

E-mail address is not available.

09 Jun 2007

I remember George. I served with him in the 81s platoon. Everybody liked him. Mainly because he liked everybody and he was a real cut-up. Kept us all laughing with his humor and good cheer. My most funny memory of him was us all skinny-dipping in a rainwater filled B-52 bomb crater, and him cracking jokes the whole time. Way up in the mountains east of An Hoa. It was later on that mission that George was killed which upset the whole platoon. Most of us cryed like babies. I'll never forget him.

Former Lance Corporal,
3rd Battalion, 5th Marines,
H&S Company, 81s Platoon

Bob Dodge
Lake Stevens, Washington


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Bn, 5th Marines, lost five men to "explosive devices" on 19 Oct 1968:
  • LCpl Edward J. Thibodeaux, Greenwell Springs, LA, India Company
  • Pfc George E. Dehner, Alton, IA, H&S Company
  • Pfc Johnny L. Johnson, Cleveland, OH, India Company
  • Pfc James J. Raiolo, St Paul, MN, India Company
  • Pfc Charles F. Strafello, Avon, MA, India Company

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