Charles Orvis Deedrick, Jr
Specialist Four
A CO, 2ND BN, 503RD INFANTRY, 173RD ABN BDE, USARV Army of the United States Winona, Minnesota April 19, 1945 to June 22, 1967 CHARLES O DEEDRICK Jr is on the Wall at Panel 22E, Line 38 See the full profile or name rubbing for Charles Deedrick |
Chuck, you did fine. Thanks for all time.A memorial initiated by a neighbor.E-mail address is not available. |
I was a classmate of Chuck's and grew up with him on 4th Street also. Chuck and I used to go to the spillway every day to fish. His pop would come out and get us with his pickup every night. Chuck was in Germany before going to Viet Nam. He signed to go there (Vietnam). I was there the same time as he was and was going to look him up at Long Binh where a common friend, Dorothy Dye, was stationed as a nurse. She saw me and told me about Chuck.
Ron Schmidt |
A Note from The Virtual WallThe "Battle of the Slopes" began as a routine search and destroy mission conducted by the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry. Early on 22 July A Company left its night laager with 2nd Platoon in the lead, then 3rd Platoon, with the Command Group and 1st Platoon bringing up the rear. At 0658, 2nd Platoon's point squad ran into several North Vietnamese Army (NVA) troops, initiating an intense firefight which prevented 2nd platoon from linking up with its point squad. The remainder of A Company then came under attack by the NVA, isolating the three Platoons one from the other.Heavy fighting continued through the morning. A Company's 1st and 2nd platoons were down to fifteen effective men when radio contact was lost at about 1100. At this point the Command Group and 3rd Platoon themselves were surrounded and heavily engaged. Shortly afterwards, the 2nd platoon's senior surviving Sergeant withdrew his remaining men to the Company Command Post, placing thirty-five wounded and thirty effective soldiers within the 3rd Platoon's defensive perimeter. At 1140 the Company Commander decided to move back up the ridge to a more defensible position, a move completed by about noon. Thus at noontime
Further clearing operations on the 23rd and 24th confirmed heavy losses among the NVA troops and identified the NVA unit involved as the 6th NVA Battalion, 24th NVA Regiment. The final results of the engagement were as follows:
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