Francis Edwin Cortor, Jr
Army of the United States
Festus, Missouri
May 23, 1947 to October 21, 1969
FRANCIS E CORTOR Jr is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 100
See the full profile or name rubbing for Francis Cortor


01 Aug 2008

Francis (Duke) Cortor attended Esther High School, in Esther, Missouri. Duke was active in sports, music, and was an all-around great guy. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice.

From a friend,
Donna Matthews Rawson

07 Aug 2008

Sergeant Cortor was a true hero. Sergeant Cortor was not in my platoon but he volunteered to go with me and a few other men in my unit on repeated attempts to recover the bodies of two men in my platoon who had been killed earlier during a mortar attack. Each time we crested the hill in the recovery attempt, we were driven back by additional mortar fire. This brave young man gave up his life attempting to recover the bodies of fallen comrades so their remains could be sent home to their families. As long as there is a breath in my body, Sergeant Cortor will be remembered. He is with me and our Brothers always. May he forever rest in peace. Brothers of Bravo salute you, Sergeant Cortor.

From a Bravo brother,
Thomas P Combs


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 Oct 1969 B Company, 1st Bn, 11th Infantry lost three men to enemy mortar fire. The MACV Summary for 21 Oct reports that two elements of the 5th Inf Div operating just below the DMZ southwest of Con Thien (Hill 158) received enemy fire, one at 0900 and the other at 1420. The 0900 incident, about 5 KM west-southwest of Con Thien, apparently involved only mortar fire and probably is the incident which resulted in the deaths of The 1420 incident, somewhat further south, involved an engagement with NVA troops and probably is the incident in which SGT Donald R. Desmarais, B Co, 1/77 Armor, was killed.

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