Robert Wesley Cooper
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Colorado City, Texas
May 02, 1948 to December 22, 1967
(Incident Date December 16, 1967)
ROBERT W COOPER is on the Wall at Panel 32E, Line 43
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Cooper

Robert W Cooper
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02 May 2005

Robert was raised in Colorado City, Texas. He was a 1966 graduate of Colorado City High School. He enlisted in the Army as soon as he graduated and was trained as an Armored Crewman. The Colorado City High SChool Class of 1966 consisted of about 40 students, four of whom died in Vietnam. He is buried in the Colorado City Texas Cemetery near two classmates and another from the class of 1964. He is remembered by his community and by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial in Midland, Texas. May his sacrifice not be forgotten.

17 Nov 2005

The librarian of the Colorado City High School graciously provided the attached picture of Robert from the 1966 Colorado City High School. He is listed as junior that year. Apparently he dropped out of high school to enlist. His mother passed away in March 2005 and is buried next to him in the Colorado City Cemetery.

From a PBVVM Representative,
Billy M. Brown

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