Richard Ralph Cerra
United States Marine Corps
Bruce, Wisconsin
September 27, 1949 to August 07, 1968
RICHARD R CERRA is on the Wall at Panel W49, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Cerra

Combat Action Ribbon

27 May 2001

To my friend and classmate,

You are missed, I remember our wrestling days and the times we talked of life and its concequences. You met them sooner than I did. I thank you for your sacrifice for my life to be what it is.

I honor and respect you, thanks.

Walter M. Smith

29 May 2005

Here it is 2005, I do still think of you, my friend! Mitakuye Oyasin, Walter Smith

The High Ground
by Walter "Two Eagles" Smith
© 2000

A special place called the High Ground,
Where there is only the sound,
Of bronzed bamboo chimes ringing,
Makes one think of angels singing,
The voices of the men, who went to war,
But will be heard from never more,
Four bronzed figures huddled, one in dire pain,
A nurse standing holding a poncho against the rain,
It is their destiny,
For the eternity,
My friends are represented there,
That is why I truly care,
Their lives they gave for me,
To be a part of my history,
They should be here instead,
But unfortunately they are now dead,
May we always recall,
That they gave their all.

From a friend and classmate,
Walter Smith

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