Robert Leon Carman
Petty Officer Third Class
United States Navy
Monahans, Texas
March 12, 1942 to August 10, 1968
ROBERT L CARMAN is on the Wall at Panel W49, Line 38
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Carman

Combat Action Ribbon
Robert L Carman
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Robert L Carman


Robert L Carman


01 Jan 2006


Robert "Doc" was a native of Monahans, Texas. He attended Monahans schools. He was married and the father of a daughter. He was a two year veteran of the Navy and was trained as Corpsman. He was assigned to the Combined Action Program of the Marine Corps. He was described by his sergeant, retired Sgt Major Larry Isaac, as his right hand man in his tour with CAP 2-4-1 and a man with a fifth sense. He was extremely dedicated to his duties.

Doc was killed going to the aid of a wounded Marine, helping him to get to a medevac area when one of them set off a shaped charge boopy trap. Both were killed instantly.

HM3 Robert Leon Carman was buried with full military honors at the Fort Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso, Texas. His wife was a resident in El Paso when Robert was killed. He is remembered by his unit, the USMC CAP Program and by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial in Midland, Texas.

Sergeant Major Larry Isaac kindly provided the pictures that were given to him by Robert's widow when he visited her in El Paso after Robert's death and kindly allowed them to be posted on this site.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown

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A Note from The Virtual Wall

The casualty database shows that three men from CAP 2-4-1 were killed on 10 August 1968 by "explosive devices":
  • HM3 Robert L. Carman, Monahans, TX;
  • Cpl John F. Diggs, Atherton, CA; and
  • Pfc Robert G. Harvey, Washington, IA.
Petty Officer Carman is buried in Site 431, Section 1, Fort Bliss National Cemetery, Fort Bliss, Texas.


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There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

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