Ben Carlos Burge
United States Marine Corps
Houston, Texas
August 04, 1947 to November 22, 1968
BEN C BURGE is on the Wall at Panel W38, Line 32
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ben Burge

Combat Action Ribbon
Ben C Burge
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27 Mar 2005

Rest in Peace, Marine, you have not been forgotten.

From a fellow Marine.
E-mail address is not available.

15 Jun 2006

Ben and I were best friends. He came to Echo Company in March. I had been there since November 67. We took care of each other. I was with him the first time he was wounded and he was with me the first time I was wounded. I was wounded a second time on 12 Nov 68 so I was not with him to cover his back on 22 Nov 68, the day he was killed. I forever live with that guilt.

I loved this young Marine like a brother. I have a personal message for his wife Stefani, which I have never been able to deliver. I would like to speak to his family. Echo 2/7 has a reunion every 2 years. We would like them to come.

Semper Fi
Tom Bolinder
Sergeant, USMC (Ret)
E 2/7 Vietnam 67-68
Bronze Star/V 2 Purple hearts
42 Lance Lane, Hanson, Ma. 02341


A Note from The Virtual Wall

According to the 2/7 Command Chronology for November 1968 Echo Company 2/7 was crossing the Song La Tho River to tie in with Delta 2/7 during Operation MEADE RIVER. Echo took heavy fire with 8 men killed and 23 wounded "in about ten minutes". The eight dead were
  • HM2 Leo J. Miller, Lockport, IL, Corpsman, H&S with Echo 2/7
  • Cpl Ben C. Burge, Houston, TX, Echo 2/7
  • LCpl George L. Barnes, Lakeville, MI, Echo 2/7
  • LCpl Harold D. Miller, Toledo, OH, Echo 2/7
  • LCpl Bruce R. Sweeney, Freeport, NY, H Btry 3/11 Marines (Arty F/O)
  • LCpl David J. Wilcox, Portage, WI, H Btry 3/11 Marines (Arty F/O)
  • Pvt David G. Lengyel, Akron, OH, Echo 2/7
  • Pfc Paul A. Stein, Villa Park, IL, Echo 2/7 (Bronze Star "V")

As an aside, on 12 Nov 1968 2/7 was involved in Operation DARING ENDEAVOR, a joint Army-Marine sweep and destroy mission along the border between Quang Nam and Quang Tin Provinces. The 2/7 Chronology notes that Echo 2/7 had one Marine wounded by sniper fire at 1545H (3:45 pm), requiring an emergency medevac. Since no other Echo 2/7 casualties are noted on 12 November it seems likely that the wounded Marine was Mr. Bolinder.

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