Walter Clay Booth
United States Air Force
Waukesha, Wisconsin
September 18, 1939 to March 26, 1969
WALTER C BOOTH is on the Wall at Panel W28, Line 43
See the full profile or name rubbing for Walter Booth

Walter C Booth
7thaf.gif 14thsow.gif 20thsos.gif

21 Apr 2002


by his squadronmates in the
20th Special Operations Squadron
the Green Hornets.

A memorial initiated by a fellow Green Hornet,
Robert Hall

27 Apr 2004

Walter Clay Booth was my dad. I remember him from when we lived in San Juan, Puerto Rico, before he left for Vietnam.

My sister and I both kept Booth as our last names to honor his memory. I have three children and both of my sons have part of his name: Andrew Clay and Walter Ryan.

He has never been forgotton.

I would love to hear from friends of my father, but I will not reply to students.

From his daughter,
Carmen Jane Booth
Madison, Ct


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 26 March 1969 a UH-1 (tail number 63-13158) of the 20th SOS went down. While hostile fire was the suspected cause, the only certainties are that the aircraft was flying at about 4,000 feet when a severe vibration began. The pilot began an auto-rotation to earth, but control was lost during the descent. The main rotor came apart, severing the tail boom. The aircraft crashed and burned near Duc My, SVN, 12 minutes north of Nha Trang, SVN. Eight men died in the crash:
  • Aircrew, 20th SOS, 14th SOW
  • Passengers
    • Col Donald G. Lepard, 14th SOW staff, Flint, MI
    • Col J B L. Levesque, 14th SOW staff, Van Buren, ME
    • Capt Walter C. Booth, 20TH SOS Maintenance Officer, Waukesha, WI
    • Capt Robert W. Fields, Flight Surgeon, 14th USAF Hospital, De Land, FL
    • Mr. Green, US civilian, assignment unknown
According to Jim Henthorn, who has compiled a history of USAF helicopter losses, there was one survivor - a Sergeant Joslyn.

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