James Grayson Berry
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Barboursville, West Virginia
August 06, 1945 to October 10, 1965
JAMES G BERRY is on the Wall at Panel 2E, Line 115
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James G Berry
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James G Berry


13 Apr 2004


There has never been a day that I have not thought of you. Some say I was young to have so many memories, but I thank God every day that you gave me those memories. Christmas has never been the same without you. After you died Christmas was never really the same. I have missed those walks you took me on while we were waiting for Santa Claus. I just wanted to let you know and the many veterans that are still alive how much I truly respect what you did for our country. You gave the ultmate sacrifice. I know a part of me wishes those years had never happened, but they did and it was your desire to make a difference in our world. I was going through your trunk at Mom's and found some pictures from your barracks and in that picture I could see a picture of me hanging in it, and it brought back so many great memories and sadness of not having you, but then I realized you are with me every day, looking out for me and guiding me. You are not only my "big bro", you are truly my hero.

Love always,
your little Sis
Cammie Berry Martin

18 Jun 2004

To the Best Big Brother a girl could ask for:


How many times I wish you were here to guide me through the tough times and the happy times. You were always my rock, the brother who taught me how to ride a bicycle and always waited on Santa with me.

There is not a day that I don't think about you and wonder what life would have in store for you if you were not taken from us at such a young age. Don and I miss you so very much. As we have grown up, I think Don has finally accepted his lil sister. I will always have respect for what you and countless others have given for our FREEDOM.

Love Always from your
Little Sister

23 Apr 2006

James Berry was someone with whom I spent many hours each day in 1965. He was my driver, but most of all he was my friend. We were both from West Virginia and spent many hours talking about our state, family and plans. We were a three-man unit and worked as one. James Berry, driver, Ronnie Duncan, gunner, and myself as section leader. Most of all we were three men doing our job as required. I will always remember these men and know I lost two great friends on that day. May they both rest in peace and God bless the family.

From a friend,
Marvin Runyon


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 173rd Airborne Brigade was the U. S. Pacific Command's "Ready Reaction" Army force and was one of the first large formations to enter South Vietnam. The 173rd's maneuver battalions conducted many of the Army's initial operations in Vietnam, including OPERATION IRON TRIANGLE near Ben Cat 8-14 October 1965.

On 10 October B Company, 2/503rd Airborne, was ambushed in the Iron Triangle by a VC company. Twelve men were killed in the action, three from the 173rd's recon troop and nine from Bravo 2/503rd Infantry:

  • E Troop, 17th Cavalry:
    • SFC James J. Reilly, Washington, PA
    • SP4 James G. Berry, Barboursville, WV
    • PFC Ronnie M. Duncan, Wake Forest, NC

  • B Co, 2nd Bn, 503rd Infantry:
    • SFC Eugene M. Rick, Coon Rapids, MN
    • SGT Lawrence A. Franklin, Wenatchee, WA
    • SP4 Ernest President, Fort Pierce, FL
    • PFC James W. Floyd, Winston-Salem, NC
    • PFC Harry E. Himmelreich, Union Beach, NJ
    • PFC Duane M. Nelson, Sioux City, IA
    • PFC Wilfred R. Robillard, Manchester, NH
    • PFC Ronald K. Schukar, Vandalia, IL
    • PFC Van Williams, New York, NY

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