Jerry Don Basden
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Dumas, Texas
August 18, 1945 to November 05, 1965
JERRY DON BASDEN is on the Wall at Panel 3E, Line 21
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jerry Basden

Jerry D Basden
1stlog.gif usasptcmdqnh.gif 98qm-ss.gif

12 Feb 2001


Jerry died while making a parachute jump at 3800 feet at Qui Nhon, South Viet Nam. The Army said he died by drowning but in truth he was dead before he hit the water. Jerry was the last out of the helicopter and his static line was under his arm when his chute opened. The line severed his jugular. The jumpmaster failed to check his line. His chute did open and he landed in the South China Sea.

A memorial from his brother,
Darrell Basden
5242 Hester Rd, Amarillo, Texas 79124

13 Jun 2007

It is good to see the name and face of the young man who jumped that day. I was on the beach and saw it happen. We watched men jump from the chopper, and then one got hung up. They tried to free him, but when he fell, the wind just carried him farther from shore. The rescue boat was at his side in record time, but he didn't survive. It is no comfort to know that he was dead on the way down. He was one of us, a young man serving his country.

I was in the 629th Ordnance Company, and we arrived in Qui Nhon on September 1. We became part of the 98th QM Battalion as part of the Support Command.

Each year, we get together in reunion. We met on June 2 in Council Bluufs, Iowa. Next year, I will bring Jerry Basden's information to the group. He will be remembered.

Don Lucy
Fort Pierce, Florida
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 98th Quartermaster Battalion arrived in Vietnam on 10 Sep 1965 and was tasked with operating the Qui Nhon Support Command Depot. In July 1966 the unit was redesignated the 98th Supply & Service Battalion.

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