George L. Barber, III
Army of the United States
Jacksonville, Texas
March 02, 1943 to March 04, 1968
GEORGE L BARBER III is on the Wall at Panel 42E, Line 60
See the full profile or name rubbing for George Barber

George L Barber
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7 May 2002

I was CPT George Lincoln Barber's training officer for three eight week training cycles in Company A, 16th Bn, 4th Tng. Brig. USATCA, Ft. Knox, Ky. Linc volunteered for Viet Nam after completing a year in command of the company. He had applied for a regular army commission and planned to be a career officer. He was a superior officer who knew how to command and how to develop new officers under his command. I followed him in command of A-16-4 through his encouragement, support and recommendation.

He had been in-country one month when his armored personnel carrier hit a land mine. All who knew him were in shock at his loss. I will always remember him. He was a fine officer, a loving husband and father of a one year old son, and a good friend.

James R. Walsh

12 Nov 2002

I went to high school with Lincoln and was in the National Guard with him before he went to OCS.

Lincoln was a fine, intelligent person. He was well liked by all of his peers.

He will always be missed.

From a friend,
Richard Slawson

14 Sep 2007

I knew Lincoln in high school. As it turns out, we were in Vietnam at the same time. He had an inquisitive mind and a quick wit. I am sure that those traits served him well later in life and in the military. The good do die young.

From a high school friend,
1st Lt. Paul M. Bass

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