Jack Allen Bowman
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Evansville, Indiana
September 25, 1949 to November 17, 1968
JACK A BOWMAN is on the Wall at Panel W39, Line 77
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jack Bowman

Combat Action Ribbon

28 May 2002


by a friend,
Rick Russell
Evansville, Indiana
E-mail address is not available.

11 Feb 2007

Jack, you deserved so much more.
You were so admired, so full of confidence.
Your passing left gaping holes in the lives of those that loved you.
I still remember the visible pain of those left behind that day.
Oh Jack, you and they deserved so much more.

From a friend.
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On the night of 16/17 Nov the 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Delta 1/26 established two ambushes. Delta 2-2 set up at AT915818 and Delta 2-2A was at AT915821, about 300 meters apart. The 1/26 Marines Operations Log describes what happened during the early morning hours of the 17th:
"[At 0315] 2-2A was overrun at their ambush site by an unknown size enemy force. S/A fire and grenades were heard by D2-2 who were located at 915818 grid. No communications with D2-2A were received during or after the firing was heard. D2-2 moved to D2-2A's area under illumination, and found 6 Fr/KIA and one Fr/WIA, serious, who told D2-2 that 2-2A was hit and overrun and no warning was given. He did not know the direction the enemy came from or to what direction the enemy left. Soon after telling 2-2 his story the 1 Fr/WIA died."
The seven Marines who were in Delta 2-2A were
  • LCpl David S. Vollmer, Scotia, NY
  • Pfc Jack A. Bowman, Evansville, IN
  • Pfc Timothy A. Crandall, Santa Barbara, CA
  • Pfc Ryan J. Gallow, Beaumont, TX
  • Pfc Robert E. Greene, Los Angeles, CA
  • Pfc Thomas J. Killion, Philadelphia, PA
  • Pfc Martin D. Shields, Chesapeake, VA

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