Harley Hubert Hall
United States Navy
Vancouver, Washington
December 23, 1937 to February 29, 1980
(Incident Date January 27, 1973)
HARLEY H HALL is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 112
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harley Hall

Harley H Hall
ussenterprisecvan65.gif NAIRWING-CVW-14.png vf-143.gif

23 April 2000


Dwight Saville
E-Mail address not available

I remember a fine officer and leader, and the many talks we had on the fantail of the USS Bon Homme Richard when I was a junior first class Petty Officer and he was a Lieutenant. He was a naval officer in the full meaning of the term as John Paul Jones described it.

From a shipmate
Arch D. Vaughn
Chief Petty Officer, USN (Ret)
7829 Lewis Rd, Lakeland, Fl 33810
17 March 2001

I served with Harley Hall in 1971, when he was the CO and Flight leader of the Blue Angels, the Navy's Flight Demostration Team. I was an ADJ-1 (E-6) in the Powerplants Shop.

Your country may have you down for the count, but the ones who knew you the best, and the ones who loved you have not stopped looking for you. Friends and family will never stop looking for what happend to you. May God bless you and all that gave all for our country. May they never be forgotten, whether MIA/POW/KIA.

James M Taylor, Jr
Shipmate in the Blue Angels
330 East Garfield Dr, Pensacola,Fl
15 July 2001

I served with Captain Hall in 1971, maintaining ejection seats. The skipper ejected at an airshow in Rhode Island - I was very gratified that my efforts helped to save his life. To hear of his loss was a shock. I believe he is still alive and I will not give up hope. I will wear a USS ENTERPRISE hat and a bracelet, both with his name, until he comes home or I leave this earth ... and I will pass them on to my son in his honor if need be. God bless the Hall family, you are in our prayers.

Bill Porupsky, AME-2
12 Aug 2001

21 Oct 2001

I wear Captain Hall's POW/MIA bracelet, and I had the honor of reading his name, among others, at Memorial Day services in San Diego. When people notice my bracelet, they ask about him, then wonder what happened to the bracelet they used to wear ... I will not let them forget your sacrifice, Captain Hall!

CeCe Corvera

30 Sep 2006

I am so proud to wear his bracelet... Harley Hall was so important in so many lives. His sister, Gwen, carries his memory with her... and all whose lives were touched by him will assure he is not forgotten.

God bless and peace to all...

CeCe Corvera
1 Wilbur Terrace, #5, Norton, Ma 02766

24 May 2002

I have prayed for you daily since learning of your loss.
You have been an inspiration for most of my life.
My prayers will continue until you come home.
God Bless the Hall family.
Never give up.

From a friend of Gwen's and MIA bracelet wearer,
Delores (Dee) Dickinson
1013-R Cascade St., Mesquite, TX 75149

01 Sep 2002

I was one of 8 aircrewmen that flew the last mission for VMFA 115 out of Nam Phong, Thailand on January 27, 1973. It was on a Friday; on the previous Tuesday they had told us the war would be over Friday. I never understood why we continued to fly. After dropping our ordnance, we all listened on the Guard channel as Harley and Al were shot down and a rescue was attempted. No luck. Later, I served an exchange tour with VX-4 and had the pleasure of serving with Al Kientzler. He told me details of the incident. Today I proudly wear Harley's POW bracelet. It stands as a monument to his valor and a symbol of what happens when we fight wars with unacceptable objectives.

Mel Krone
Major USMC (Ret)
11923 Barranca Rd., Camarillo, CA 93012

27 Jan 2003

I met Harley Hall in May or June of 1971 when the Blue Angels put on a show at the dedication of the new Joplin, Missouri, Airport. I was a Radio/TV News Reporter and was lucky enough to win an orientation flight with LCdr J. D. Davis (they should more properly call it a "disorientation flight" for us land-lubbers!).

I was 21 then and had already been to the Army and done a few months of OCS before I discovered I really didn't want to be an "ossifer", so I can say I was not easily impressed.

All the members of the Blue Angels were intelligent, fun-loving, talented guys.

But Harley Hall
-- his bearing was something like John Wayne's --
he carried himself with an air of authority that was amazing.

I live in Colorado Springs and have all kinds of aircraft overfly my house. Most of the time when I see a fighter jet, I think of Harley Hall and the Blue Angels. God Bless them all for doing their duty and defeating the "harmless" Communists, et al.

Michael S. Hohertz
4440 Villager Dr, Colorado Springs, Co 80911

19 June 2003

It was in the late spring of 1972 at VT-4, NAS Pensacola, while a Naval flight student in basic carrier-quals and ACM in the T-2B, when I had the -- to me - unbelievably great honor of being scheduled to fly some syllabus training flights with the "funner-than-fun" then-CDR Harley Hall! His coach-like charisma was riveting, and he seemed to continuously be holding an impromptu moving-classroom with him wherever he walked or paused - usually with five or six other guys tagging along, competing to ask questions and intently listening to hear his enjoyably mesmerizing and animated answers.

He was the absolute epitome of full-of-life enthusiasm and down-to-earth humor - a natural-born teacher who spiced our interest in learning all we possibly could about Naval Aviation just by virtue of his personal example of exquisite flying expertise and the uncanny ability to explain it in terms we college-boys could enjoy and understand.

As nearly-captured in his photograph here, CDR Hall was a larger-than-life man's man who had a truly Peter Pan-like bright-eyed empathy for us green-mere-mortals; and yet, he never flaunted his accomplishments. In fact, when I first began flying with him, Harley Hall won my utmost respect, and I just naturally idolized him, without my even realizing at the time he was the former boss of the "Blues" - I just instinctively sensed I was flying with greatness. I was right.

During one of those walking-classroom sessions of his - this particular "period" concerning Air Combat Maneuvering - CDR Hall solidly showed us his firm grasp of human-nature and reality and his own unabashed humility by laughingly interrupting himself during an explanation of a specific dog fighting tactic, exclaiming, "Ya' know? We're gonna' teach you guys all these fancy ACM techniques, but as soon as you see your first MIG, all this great knowledge will fly right out the canopy glass, and it'll be 'catch-as-catch-can' from then on!"

I shall never forget him nor that day and his statement as long as I live.

Bless you for your always day-brightening sunshine, Mr. Hall, Sir; Godspeed!

Max Guiley

19 Dec 2001

The Clark College Alumni Association is pleased to announce that Harley Hall has been nominated for the 2004 Clark College Outstanding Alumni Award. If you are interested in lending your recommendation to Harley's nomination, please contact me by telephone or e-mail.

Cheri Cole
Clark College Program Manager
(360) 992-2301
Email address is not available.

30 Jun 2004

On Sunday, June 27, 2004 at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, the Blue Angels put on one hell of a show! With the help of the son of a former shipmate of my dad's from the USS Kamehameha SSBN 642(G), I was able to have CDR. Russ Bartlett, current flight leader of the Blue Angels, take my MIA/POW bracelet honoring the memory of Capt. Harley H. Hall with him in the cockpit of plane #1 while he flew the show.

As I stood there watching, I just knew Captain Hall was in the cockpit with Cdr. Bartlett.

After the show I was able to receive my bracelet back and it's on my right wrist now, never to be taken off until Captain Hall comes home!

Gregory K. Lacoy
H.C. 34 Box 2074-A, Wasilla, Alaska 99654

26 Jul 2004

I wear the name "Harley H Hall" on a bracelet to let the world know of your bravery and sacrifice and when they ask I tell your story. I will not take it off until you come home again. Semper Fi

Wayne Hembrook

21 Sep 2004

I served under Commander Hall in VF-143's ejection seat shop as an AME-3. He was unforgetable. He made you feel proud to be in Naval Aviation and part of the DOGS. I just returned from Naval Station Newport (Rhode Island) where my daughter became an Ensign. There wasn't a dry eye in the drill hall. I taught my daughter to be proud to be in the Navy as Captain Hall would want it. I would always talk about him to her but she didn't understand what this pride was all about. Now she knows as she is an officer in the Navy and will carry on and on. Captain, you are not forgotten! I've done my best to keep the pride going. My daughter became a Navy Nurse because of the pride you instilled in all of us. We passed it on. Thank you.

From a VF-143 squadron member,
Mark C. Diehl

28 Oct 2004

As a "World Famous Pukin' Dog", Harley Hall was the epitome of a Naval Aviator.

I was an AME3 and his Plane Captain on that fateful day in 1973. As I strapped him in, I remember how incredibly proud I felt to be his Plane Captain. My lasting impressions of him were his brilliant smile, impeccable appearance and absolute professionalism.

This was our last sortie that day, and as was rumored, could possibly be the last sortie of the war. Aircraft 102, his bird, was down for maintenance, so we had to go with aircraft 113.

When the shocking news came that he had been shot down, I cried uncontrollably, but I knew in my heart that if anyone could survive, it would be Cdr. Hall.

The "Dogs" were awesome as a Fighter Squadron, and we were that way because of Harley Hall and the men he inspired to be like him.

He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, and in doing so, inspired many of us to higher goals.

God Bless Harley Hall, his family, and all of the "World Famous Pukin' Dogs". In my heart, you are still alive.

From a shipmate,
AFCM(AW) Tom Chergi, USN (Retired)
6488 River Point Drive, Fleming Island, Fl 32043

3 Feb 2005

Hello - You don't know me but I am Al Kientzler's son, Chris. On February 2, 2005, Al Kientzler lost his battle with his heart and died at 5 am in his home at Sag Harbor, NY. I wanted to let his old Navy buddies know that he never forgot and never gave up. He was a man with great courage and strength who remembered Harley Hall with immense respect, admiration and love. Thank you to all who honor them both!

From Al Kientzler's son and Harvey Hall's bracelet wearer,
Chris Kientzler
4315 North Camino Del Obispo #2, Tucson, AZ 85718

11 Aug 2005

I am wearing his bracelet in honor of all those who are Missing in Action.

God Bless.

Jacque Markum
E-mail address is not available.

13 Jan 2006

I wear Cdr Hall's bracelet to remember all POW/MIA soldiers. I am truly honored to wear it. I am eternally thankful for the sacrifices that soldiers make.

Colleen Mealey
College Station, Texas

09 Feb 2006

Commander Hall inspired me to fly at the tender age of 4. I saw the 'Blues' team fly at Naval Air Station Quonset Point, Rhode Island, in 1970, and the impression left on me by four F4s in afterburner that bright summer day will never be forgotten. I can still see Commander Hall and his crew smartly parading to the aircraft, the epitome of professionalism and exellence.

I think of him and all the other airmen who gave their lives for our freedom often. I never had the opportunity to serve, but I hope that I never take for granted the sacrifices made for all Americans by servicemen and women both in the past and present. Thank you and Godspeed, Commander Hall, my children will know what you did for your country, Naval Aviation, and a little boy from Auburn, Masachusetts.

Captain Patrick Keaney

10 Apr 2006

I did not know you personally,
but I have been wearing your name
on my wrist for over 20 years.

When I think times are getting tough,
I only have to squeeze my POW Bracelet
and think that you had to endure
much more than I ever will.

I always see that picture
of you with a big smile.
You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Peace be with you and your family,
I think of them often as well.

E-mail address is not available.

12 Apr 2006

In Memory of Harvey Hall
You Are Not Forgotten

As a native Vancouverite and Vietnam Veteran who lived in your neighborhood not far from your house in west Vancouver, Washington 98663. I pay tribute to my home town POW/MIA, on the behalf of the The Vietnam Veterans of America for Vancouver, Washington, Chapter 512. We Salute You, Sir!

Gregory Payne
Oregon Veterans Home
700 Veterans Drive
The Dalles, OR 97058

12 Oct 2006

I was a young air intelligence officer aboard USS RANGER (CVA-61) for two combat cruises beginning in November 1967. Harley Hall was a LCDR F-4 pilot attached to VF-154 for both of those cruises.

During flight ops, I came in contact with Harley on an almost daily basis. It didn't take long to recognize that he was an individual with special leadership qualities who was destined to go far in his Naval career. It still hurts when I think how that career ended.

I have tremendous respect and admiration for all that Captain Hall accomplished. He was a consummate professional, an unselfish, generous human being and the finest Naval Officer I ever met.

Paul F. Harnden CDR USNR (Ret)
5 Summerfield Way
Amherst, NH 03031

18 Oct 2006

Harley was a wonderful human, attending Clark College in Vancouver in 1956 and singing in several choral groups. I think I am the only girl who never dated him. (According to the list of girls on his memorial.) But he was a loyal true honest friend. Sue Ann Gibler class of '57 May his spirit always be a part of S.W. Washington

The sky's a little bluer
The trees more green above
And still your friends are truer
Your family still does love
The person you were always
And in the night the stars
Are shining making hallways
Almost as bright as Mars
So keep on flying up there
We'll all join you someday
And in the meantime prayer
Will help us find our way.
Suzanne Taylor Moore Faveluke

From a former Clark classmate,
Suzanne Taylor Moore
Box 245, Washougal, Wa 98671
E-mail address is not available.

24 Jan 2007

I just want the family to know I wear his bracelet - "Harley H. Hall". I am very proud to do so. I got it at a party for the vets. It was the one I picked out. I do not know him, but think of him often.

Sandy Miller
E-mail address is not available.

25 Feb 2007

I have been wearing Captain Hall's POW/MIA bracelet since 1983. It was given to me by a Vietnam Veteran in Sacramento who was in town with thousands of others to demonstrate against the seating of Tom Hayden in the California Legislature.

As a military brat whose father spent two tours in Vietnam, I was raised with a deep respect and love of the military and was honored to be part of the demonstration.

At lunch after the march, a vet who wore several bracelets gave me one of his to wear, but only after I made a solemn promise not to remove it and never to forget. I have kept both promises. I am proud to wear it and proud of Captain Hall and all those who served both then and now.

God Bless America
Sabina Pellissier
Auburn, California

13 Apr 2007

For over 30 years, the actions of January 27, 1973 at the DMZ have never left my mind. I was there when Harley and Al got shot down and saw them eject and also heard them on Military Air Distress frequency (243.0). I was approximately 4400 yards away under fire from enemy guns aboard the USS TURNER JOY (DD-951). The first I knew about them being in trouble was a call by CDR Hall over 243.0 saying "Oh shit, Mayday, Mayday" and I cut a direction finding bearing on his position in CIC of the TURNER JOY and then ran outside and saw the two of them eject. We watched them dangling in their chutes under fire and immediately starting fixing their position. From our viewpoint we thought they landed on an island in the Cua Viet River and later events proved this to be correct. We then started working on getting our five inch guns into action, laying down cover fire in an attempt to get the now swarming NVA off of them. Listening on 243.0, we heard that CDR Hall had just been captured and he also reported that his RIO had just been killed by the NVA. Apparently Al had just been knocked out and there had been a burst of AK-47 fire in his direction (the last transmission was from Harley, "They just executed my RIO").

We saw the rescue helo trying to get in there to get these guys out (on the last day of the war), but he was under so much heavy ground fire, he apparently could not make it. I can still see that helo trying to get in there. It is still vivid in my mind. I wondered how he could stay in the air with that much ground fire. We did our best to provide more covering fire. Fast Forward! About 23 years later I was home one day in Vancouver, Washington and on the tube they showed CDR Harley Hall, a native of Vancouver, WA and I immediately was flooded with emotions. I was about to retire from the Navy, but all of a sudden these suppressed memories had overwhelmed me and I got in touch with the TV station about Harley and they put me in touch with his sister whom I spoke to for over an hour.

I told her about all the efforts to save the crew, but the fighting was the heaviest of the Vietnam War and it was nearly impossible to retrieve them, but that a major effort had been made. I was glad to get that off my mind. The last day of the war was some of the heaviest combat I had seen and it has never left my mind.

I have visited the Wall in Washington DC and cried at not being able to do more. When the POW's were flown out, the TURNER JOY was one of the covering force ships nearby and I shall never forget that either. For us who lived this ordeal, all I can say that a bunch of good Americans did their best to the very end in fighting the Vietnam War and Harley Hall and his RIO were two of them. I am sorry to hear Al has passed away. Back in 1996 I did speak to Al and the helo pilot that tried to get in there. It helped me piece the puzzle together about the events of that day.

Apparently the TURNER JOY fired the last round that impacted at the precise time of the cease fire, which was 0800. At 0759 on January 28th, combat was hot and heavy and one minute and about 10 seconds later, it all stopped. The silence was deafening. I shall never forget that. I hope this helps some families out there heal from their loss.

Jim Chester
LCDR US Navy (Ret)

From The Virtual Wall: We Americans should remember that the war didn't stop on 28 Jan 1973 - we simply stopped participating. The North Vietnamese didn't ... and when the war finally did stop in 1975, the North Vietnamese had their long-sought victory.

23 Apr 2007

I learned of CDR Hall when he was the Blue Angels "Boss" in 1970. His presence on the flight line was that of a giant. Many years later when the VCR was invented, I purchased the Blue Angels documentary "Threshold". I stll have that tape. It is a journey back in time that records the daily operations of the Blues. CDR Hall is a striking presence on the screen.

He was a tremendous aviator and a great leader. Although I never met CDR Hall, I was inspired by him to become an aviator. Today I have over 4000 hours helicopter time and 2000 hours fixed wing.

I was deeply saddened to learn of the loss of this great American. As I watch the 1970 Blue Angels perform via video tape, I am struck by what a great loss his family and this country suffered. Today I proudly wear his name on my wrist. The bracelet is a reminder of the great men and women who have defended this country for hundreds of years. It reminds me daily of the supreme courage of those who have chosen to defend our home.

I hope the family understands how he affected the lives of those he never met face to face. Nothing would have given me greater pleasure then meeting the man and shaking his hand. CDR Hall will always be on my mind.

From an admirer,
S. Newsome
E-mail address is not available.


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On January 27, 1973, then-Commander Harley H. Hall, Commanding Officer of Fighter Squadron 143 embarked in USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65), and his Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) LCDR Philip A. Kientzler launched in F-4J BuNo 155768 on an attack mission against North Vietnamese supplies and logistic vehicles 15 miles northwest of Quang Tri, South Vietnam. Hall and Kientzler were under the direction of an OV-10 Forward Air Controller (FAC).

CDR Hall's aircraft came under intense anti-aircraft fire while attacking several trucks and was hit. He made an attempt to fly back out to the safety of the sea, but minutes later the aircraft's port wing and fuselage caught fire.

Both Hall and Kintzler ejected at 4,000 feet and were seen to land 100 feet apart near a village on an island at the confluence of the Dam Cho Chua and Cua Viet Rivers. CDR Hall was seen moving about on the ground, discarding his parachute. No voice contact was made with the men, and the probability of immediate capture was considered very high.

Numerous aircraft made several passes over the area for the next several hours and were unsuccessful in observing either of the downed crewmen. Several emergency beepers were heard intermittently the remainder of the afternoon and throughout the night, however, no voice contact was established. Active, organized search and rescue efforts were subsequently terminated.

Only Kientzler was released at Operation Homecoming in 1973. He reported that during parachute descent they received heavy ground fire, at which time he was hit in the leg. He last saw CDR Hall as they touched the ground. When he asked his guards about his pilot, he was told that he was killed by another.

Harley Hall was the last American to be classified as a Prisoner of War in the Vietnam War.

While Captain Hall's status has been changed to "Died while Captured", a presumptive finding of death, and while the Government carries him as "Body not Recovered/Remains Returned", Mrs. Mary Louise Hall refutes and refuses to accept those findings.

See the
POW Network
What Happened to Harley Hall?
for further information.

During the SAR effort for Hall and Kientzler a NAIL FAC aircraft (OV-10A tail number 68-3806) was shot down by a hand-held SA-7 missile. The two crewmen, Capt George W. Morris of Alhambra, CA, and Capt Mark A. Peterson of Canton, OH, successfully ejected. Peterson made radio contact with other SAR forces and reported he was about to be captured. Neither one has been heard from since.

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