Last name: MYERS
First name: BILLY EUGENE
Home of Record (official): PEKIN
State (official): IL
Date of Birth: Monday, October 21, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
--- Military ---
Branch: Army
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 16896498
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
--- Action ---
Start of Tour: Tuesday, December 12, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, May 7, 1968
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Thua Thien
The Wall: Panel 56E - Row 027
Copyright No Quarter - 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998